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Buy Squash Balls
Squash is one of the best racket sports for fitness. However, its complex rules and different equipment can be confusing for many players. Most rackets game, including badminton and tennis, allow its player to start the game with a very short warm-up.
However, it is a little different in squash games, as it depends on the type of ball you are using. That is why be really careful when you are about to buy squash balls.
However, you may find very few brands in Pakistan that manufacture different types of squash balls. Well, ProKennex is the most famous brand and popular choice of every Pakistani so far to buy squash balls. This brand stands out in terms of quality, life, and value for money relative to other brands.
Different types of squash balls:
Generally, you will find squash balls in the market of different sizes and colours; and there is a reason behind this. Well, choosing the right squash ball that suits your level of play and fitness can be a little tricky, especially if you are a newbie.
Unlike other sports balls, different squash balls come to provide different functions. Before looking at different Prokennex squash balls, have a look at the functions of each type.
Blue dot squash ball:
The Prokennex’s single blue dot ball is good to use by beginners and juniors. It is ideal for those players who have just started playing squash. It is also good for those who are in the phase of learning the game with no previous experience.
Well, a blue dot ball is larger in size, generally 12 times larger than a double yellow dot ball. Moreover, it is also more bouncy and can bounce 40 times more than a double yellow dot ball.
The above features make a single blue dot ball ideal for beginners as it is easier to hit. This is because of significantly more bounce than the Double Yellow Dot ball and it has far more time in the air (known as hang time). Plus, you don’t need to warm up the ball before playing.
Red dot squash ball:
A single red dot ball is good for intermediate players or for those players who want to have a quick and fun game. Many recreational players use this ball because it is not too competitive.
However, many of the coaches prefer using this ball during training sessions and people who want to play squash games after work.
Well, a single red dot ball is also heavier than a double yellow dot ball and also gives 20 times more bounce as well. Plus, the hang time of the red dot ball is less than the Blue Dot ball, but more than both the Yellow Dotted balls; these features make the red dot ball a recreational favorite.
Yellow dot squash ball:
Until 2001, the Yellow Dot Ball was the official squash ball for professional squash tournaments. It was mostly used by advanced players. However, you will also find a two-dot squash ball in the market. The key difference between a single-dot and double-dot yellow ball is that a single-dot yellow ball offers 10 times more bounce than a double-dot ball.
This quality of single dot yellow ball makes it favorable to use in colder climates. the weather can have an impact on the bounce of the ball. The more the ball bounce, the easier it can be to play the game!
However, professionals who live in the blazing heat of warmer regions should not use this ball. However, in those areas of the world where it is cold most of the year and the courts are freezing, then mostly advanced players tend to choose Single Yellow Dot Ball to play squash.
Double yellow dot squash ball:
The double yellow dot squash ball has been used as an official squash ball since 2001. This ball gives very little hand time and bounce; this quality makes it more favorable for most professional and advanced players. However, only professional and skilled players know how to use double-dot squash balls to play a variety of strokes. That is why many experts suggest that you only use this ball to play squash if you are a professional player.
No matter where you’re playing, buying the type of ball that suits your playing style is necessary. This will help you enjoy the game, develop and further your abilities, and allow you to continue playing the game with enjoyment. Well, check out the collection of different squash balls from Pakistan’s favorite brand ProKennex at Sports Den.
What do we offer?
Sports Den is passionate about providing every player access to the same beautifully designed, technically sophisticated sports products. Empowering you to wring every drop of joy from your game and to make every match you play the very best it can be. To buy squash balls in Pakistan, you cannot find any trustworthy brand other than ProKennex. On Sports Den, we have a fine collection of Prokennex squash balls, from which you can choose the one that suits your playing style.
ProKennex – a top-rated brand in Pakistan to buy Squash balls:
If you live in Pakistan, you might need help choosing the right brand to buy squash balls, as only a few brands can fulfill the requirements of the World Squash Federation. So you cannot trust any brand. However, Prokenner has built the trust of its customers by providing them with a wide range of affordable, durable, powerful, consistent, and controlled squash balls.
The unrivaled performance, durability, and consistency of Prokennezx Squash balls are the reasons why it is the favorite and most demanding brand in Pakistan to buy squash balls. All the ProKennex squash balls have been approved for World Squash Federation Specifications.
Some basic information about Prokennex’s squash balls:
On Sports Den, ProKennex Squash balls are available individually, in a handy tube, in a 3 pack, or in a box. Every ball is packed in a small cardboard box. Well, the Pro and the Competition Squash balls are available in tubes. There are three balls in a tube. Many players like to buy a tube because you can store the balls in an orderly and protected way after use. The balls in the tube also stay clean, and you can easily find them in your racket bag. In a box, there are 12 balls, each one of them packed individually in a small cardboard box.
Some more to know about ProKennex squash balls include;
- All squash balls are made of rubber.
- You should warm up squash balls before full play.
- All the ProKennex balls include at least one doe to show their level of difficulty.
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